安装之前 DLC中一些图像包含仅面向成人的露骨色情内容。您必须年满18岁才能下载此内容。如果下载DLC会违反您所在国家/地区的相关法律或法规,请不要下载。性行为中描绘的所有角色均为18岁或以上。 JAST USA无法保证此DLC在所有计算机系统上都可以运作,并...
Patch 1.01e Installation: You can download the patch here. Unzip into the folder you installed Shiny Days to, overwriting the existing files. This fixes: Minami ending - New ending credits made. Crash is also fixed Route map node...
[PLEASE NOTE] You will not be able to unlock Steam achievements or access save data from the Steam version after applying this patch. Please play the unaltered Steam version in order to unlock achievements. To re-enable achievements afte...
When I download my game all I see are some files with extensions like .zip.001, .zip.002 and I can't install them. I can't find any kind of installer with my download. Solution The game's download is split into smaller zip files. This...
Some games come with DLC in the form of an .exe program that will automatically patch a game for you. Others require steps to manually patch your game. These are the general steps to take when manually adding extra content DLC patch conten...
Learn how to run Mac apps, and fix RenPy games for Mac.
How gifting works
Solution: You need to add legacy support or use an emulator to run the program